Forum Replies Created
July 2, 2013 at 6:13 am #2612
MemberEverybody should try a ketamine infussion. It really helps with moods, but more importantly a spiritual experince. Psychedelics are needed in today’s world to build peace, tolerance, and empathy.
October 16, 2012 at 4:07 am #4248Houston1970
MemberI’m on 1200 mg of Lithium and have retained 10 pounds of fluid. I drink at least 140 oz of water daily it’s actually quite funny. Does anybody know how to retain less fluid on this salt.
September 23, 2010 at 12:05 am #3576Houston1970
MemberTry four,
depakote er 1000mg
3grains armor
the lowest clinical dose of Testoserone
30 mg of Adderalthe good doc is correct the basic problem from my experience is their are few neuroenndocrinoloigists. Psychiatry and Endocronolgy are synergistic, if you stabilise on a first line mood stabiliser your stable but will still fell like crap, hormones help you feel better but for me can’t give you the stability needed to deal with high performance stress. I went to UCSd had a 4.0 and burned out by junior year. Oddly the alleged world class shrink though I was dillusional until I threw my transcript in his face. The dumbass probably could not organic chem so he problem had ochem envy. You see unlike the good man here he was so dogmatic that the patient was actual cosidered a nut untill proven innocent. I gurantee there is not one psych patient who feels on four psych meds.
Complex problems need an open mind, perservance and an integrative approach proof means feeling well. Because we are not rational minds if you used math to walk you would be shocked at the results systems need errors to work in a nonlinear world it’s called evololution
September 22, 2010 at 12:04 pm #4677Houston1970
MemberNever forget you can never be to rich to thin or to medicated. Your nice guy just misgided as to the limits of science, science is not science fiction. Your professions poor use of the scientific method denigrates the real work being done and saps funding from the hard sciences that made America into a superpower. Our nanny state would rather fund bogus medical studies, and global warming. We no longer are interested in what makes peoples lifes better.
September 22, 2010 at 11:30 am #4653Houston1970
MemberGuess what my alleged bipolar disorder, resolved with Testopellets and armorthyroid. Psychiatry is a joke! Unlike A mood disorder Endocrine dissorders actual have blood test that can prove illness and dossing that is based on measurment. At Caltech they say science without measurment is not Science. Again please do yourself a favor and see an Endocrine doctor.
On Hormones depression resolves without agitation it’s a miracle. Most of went to a doctor because we did not feel well we where sick not crazy. Psychatry should be ashamed of itself, how many lives have they destroyed. Tragic
August 25, 2010 at 6:40 pm #4522Houston1970
MemberI agree totally, my problem is with psychiatrists who stick to labels for mood disorders! They present the patient with a label at a vunerable point in time and the the bad and egotistical ones actual argue with the Patient as there treatment fails. Rarely does one even here the word Scientific method. It’s just suppose to be accepted by the patient as dogma not hypothesis.
Personally, I feel better on Adderal Xr and you have helped me understand dopamine depletion. I have stopped depakote and I am stable on adderal sans antidepressant. It took along time to reach this level of mistrust.
In my view people like Dr. X should be careful about the egotistical theory set forth. All depression is a cyclical disease. That needs polypharmacy of mood stablizer and antipsychotics. I for one only got sick from Depakote and recovered on Adderal.
Customers like me who lay out 100k and volunter to go the best clinics in the world and end up sicker. I believe we are the unfortunate products of numerous chemical pathways beyond our control, adderal saved my life and my career. I never drank, smoked, or used drugs.
In the end, I am grateful for having found a great doctor who listened to his patient and encouraged me to accept myself for who I am. No labels just results, after all it just takes one repeatable experiment to invalidate any hypothesis. Thanks for at least disputing the dogmatic garbage that passes as science.
The Ego loves praise even when science disputes the facts. Many socalled institutions marked themselves as brands to us trusting consumers. I wish I knew how much money time and confidence was at stake. Some many concepts espoused where just laughable wrong and 80 percent of patients still don’t recover what a tragedy personally I would love to help others in a nonconfrotational way
August 25, 2010 at 5:06 am #4521Houston1970
MemberObviously the body is beyond complex perhaps it would be nice if Doctors rembered that medicine is much more art than Science.
Many great minds have had to suffer incomptent treatment from people who where far beneth there peer group.
August 25, 2010 at 4:57 am #4520Houston1970
MemberThanks, for the prompt reply. When i first suffered from exhaustion, I had multiple sinus infections and additionaly suffered from bad allergies as a child. It amazes me that a physcian would just call someone bipolar when they physically show up feeling poorly.
How do set up a vist? Also why would my testosterone levels be depressed is this caused by long term use of psychotopic drugs? By the way, I would love to just take Depakote and be cured but that not reality. When, Dr. X adminsters mood stablisers and the patient becomes worse. It’s the patients fault not a incorrect model like any other scientific problem. Killing the messenger is what all weak minds due when faced with a difficult problem.
How can Doctors be lauded when over eighty percent of patients with bipolar disorder fail to reach their former selfes as a study from Harvard indicates. By the way how can you ever prove efficacy of poly pharmacy? Three variable account for one outcome without noise! I find Dr. X to be the most offensive of all.
It’s refreshing to find a open minded doctor with credentials from UCSF. On a final note, Dr. Y the founder of Caltech was told to drink sour milk to cure his nervous mind. Unfortunately, it did not work. We have made much progress from his day, but going to the Meniger clinic and paying one hundred thousand dollars for a coloring book to cure my feelings, seems laughable.
August 24, 2010 at 5:04 am #2408Houston1970
MemberAha now know why Testosterone dropped I was taking 9grams of Fish oil per day as adjunct to valproic acid