Forum Replies Created
August 24, 2010 at 4:35 pm #4481
ParticipantDr. Mariano’s response :
Some mechanisms of action of Vitamin C which may lead to improved sexual function:
1. role as an antioxidant in biologic reactions – helping reduce inflammatory signaling
2. improves vasodilation – which improves arterial circulation
3. is an NMDA Glutamate receptor partial antagonist – which may lead to improved dopamine signaling.
4. involved in adrenal metabolic functions (such as aldosterone production)
5. catalyze oxidation of tyrosine (precursor for dopamine and norepinephrine)
6. improved iron absorption (iron is necessary to produce the cytochrome p450 enzymes).
7. improve conversion of folic acid to folinic acid, the biologically more active form.November 28, 2009 at 11:26 pm #3904chipdouglas
ParticipantI wonder though, does performance anxiety is also common on 20 year-old guys ? For some reason it seems this only happens later on in life.
September 6, 2009 at 1:28 pm #3332chipdouglas
Participant@AlexanderDenmark 1638 wrote:
Black tea probably just raises your libido because the caffeine stimulates your adrenals. I think it would be a poor solution for your problem.
Yes, though the study I posted showed decreased serum DHT, there’s also caffeine in it, and it’d be relevant for caffeine to boost my libido–though in someone who’s already overstimulated, I’m not sure, it’s a very good idea–I’ve stopped drinking tea for days now.
August 29, 2009 at 10:50 pm #3331chipdouglas
Participant@Pat Quigley 1562 wrote:
if I recall correctly, progesterone opposes DHT. damned if I can remember the source of that information. I wonder if taking pregnenolone would counter the DHT?
Progesterone does help keep DHT in check.
August 29, 2009 at 6:24 pm #3330chipdouglas
Participant@chipdouglas 1559 wrote:
The last 24-hour urinary cortisol essay I had was a few years ago, and I have to do battle with my doc to get any test. However when I had it done, it came in low normal.
Now, more recent test for serum cortisol shows it is high normal.
My libiod has recently picked up noticeably mainly from black tea (I’m trying green tea now to see whether I can get the same outcome).
I know that about 30 or so minutes after having black tea I get spontaneous hard-ons and sex drive goes up noticeably, but it doesn’t last–I have to keep taking black it if I want it to remain this way.
Two studies on black tea that are relevant :
I often hear the term : man up over at the other board. It’s easy to point fingers at those who seem to not man up–after ten years of this shit, I think it’s only human and completely normal to have downs every now and then. I’m sick of the man up call–it’s irrelevant and doesn’t provide any real solution……it’s just a male thing that male say when they have no idea what’s wrong.
Having said that, I’m in no way directing this at you–It occured to me now so I’m posting this.
I don’t know whether I should be laughing about this or not, but it looks as though I’ve exhausted one or two discussion boards.
One more thing about me that is kind of frustrating to an extent is I’m currently doing a bachelor degree in nursing, so have little money to invest on docs–but that’s not like I didn’t a few years ago–it cost me a little fortune to see Dr. Braverman in NYC, plus many local docs. So this is WHY i’m looking for online help through these discussion boards. I’Ve been asked about getting blood works and I sure did, but it didn’t help pinpoint what’s wrong. I guess I’m asking for way too much here–nothing is ever really that clear-cut when it comes to health, unless we’re talking about the end result of some underlying issue that may manifest as an MI etc.
Thanks for reading Wondering
August 29, 2009 at 6:19 pm #3329chipdouglas
Participant@wondering 1558 wrote:
hmmm…have you had a 24 hr Urine test. How are your Cortisol levels.
Perhaps, PS may help if high. I believe very high DHT can mean excessive sympathetic nervous system signaling. If Cortisol is high, then perhaps PS could help.
The last 24-hour urinary cortisol essay I had was a few years ago, and I have to do battle with my doc to get any test. However when I had it done, it came in low normal.
Now, more recent test for serum cortisol shows it is high normal.
My libiod has recently picked up noticeably mainly from black tea (I’m trying green tea now to see whether I can get the same outcome).
I know that about 30 or so minutes after having black tea I get spontaneous hard-ons and sex drive goes up noticeably, but it doesn’t last–I have to keep taking black it if I want it to remain this way.
Two studies on black tea that are relevant :
I often hear the term : man up over at the other board. It’s easy to point fingers at those who seem to not man up–after ten years of this shit, I think it’s only human and completely normal to have downs every now and then. I’m sick of the man up call–it’s irrelevant and doesn’t provide any real solution……it’s just a male thing that male say when they have no idea what’s wrong.
Having said that, I’m in no way directing this at you–It occured to me now so I’m posting this.
I don’t know whether I should be laughing about this or not, but it looks as though I’ve exhausted one or two discussion boards.
August 29, 2009 at 4:09 am #3328chipdouglas
Participant@wondering 1550 wrote:
Phil – PS is to lower Cortisol not DHT.
For DHT… if on Transdermal can change to Test. Cyp injections.
To lower it directly you’re talking about something like Finasteride which noone would recommend.
Yes, we’re talking finasteride, and indeed not something I’d want to try. I’m not on TRT/HRT. I’m on nothing at all, but my serum DHT is off the chart.
August 19, 2009 at 12:35 am #3222chipdouglas
ParticipantWhat if someone has had a history of poor attentional span ever since childhood ? Poor attention span as in :
1. he doesn’t finish whatever he’s started
2. doesn’t pay attention
3. has his head in the cloudsCan we still consider AF (low cortisol) ?
In the face of normal thyroid labs, would impaired thyroid signaling be : nutrient deficiencies such as selenium and zinc as both are needed for proper thyroid function ?
Further, is it customary to see a mood disorder develop as a result of the frustration that patient experiences by dint of not being able to focus his attention, and taking 4 hours to carry out assignment that’d normally require 30 minutes ?
August 6, 2009 at 11:47 pm #2973chipdouglas
ParticipantIt bears out what I felt it was : propaganda and paranoia. Even in Canada, we’re probably quite safe in this regard as supplements are in a category of their own now.
July 30, 2009 at 9:55 pm #2904chipdouglas
Participant@DrMariano 1150 wrote:
The placebo effect is very strong when it comes to things that can affect mood. It generally can last up to two years.
A double-blind placebo controlled study would be useful to determine if it has an effect independent of placebo.
I strongly agree. What’s more I’ve only had GSE occasionally. However, this effect I’ve experienced, I clearly didn’t expect. Having said this, I’ve read upon the placebo effect a while ago, and found out it’s very real and powerful. I didn’t know it could last up to two years though.
July 30, 2009 at 5:12 pm #2971chipdouglas
ParticipantInteresting texts here :
While it’s possible that I’m wrong, but from what I can see the fact that I have Gilbert’s Syndrome might very well explain part of my lack of libido since UGT-1A1 also has to do with estradiol metabolism.
I’d be glad to find this to be part of the theory behind my issues.
July 30, 2009 at 4:14 pm #2956chipdouglas
ParticipantIn my late teens, I’ve seen (please don’t fall off your chair) up to 8 times a day. Admittedly this trend wasn’t kept up daily. It only happened on the hot summer days where there were too many gorgeous women showing off their bodies.
I could be in bed with the most beautiful woman under the sun, and I swear to God, I wouldn’t even feel like having sex with her. To any man, this is very hard to even admit. But my perspective is it’s best to face the music. I’m also an eternal optimist.
So now ? I’m down to once ot twice a day depending on how many things I have to do, but why in the world am I still doing it in the first place ??? I mean, I do not even get turned on. Ok, every now and then I do, and then it’s not hard for me to get it up, because I’m then turned on, but when I’m not turned on, then it’s very hard for me to get it up.
Perhaps the only thing that causes me to do it is through habit alone ? Or could it be that desire is there, BUT there’s some biochemical quirk that’s blocking it ? I’m saying this as I have no idea WHY I’m still doing it, since it’s not even fun.
Also, and I should have put this first on my ”account list” it may have become comfort habit instead of comfort food. I’ve been diagnosed with GAD, Dysthymia and ADHD, so perhaps masturbating acts as a innate means to release some anxiety/tension.
Endocrinologically speaking, I should theoretically be easily turned on, since my serum DHT is off the chart. There are other players, but this one is expected to have a major effect.
July 30, 2009 at 2:37 am #2955chipdouglas
ParticipantI’ve been wondering about this as well. I’m afraid Dr. Lin is fond of the old sales talk : if you can’t convince them confuse them. His website does have ”some merit” but it’s also full of half-truths. So all in all, it’s not even worthwhile reading. It only leads me to deep frustration, because of the trillion links to other pages, one soon gets lost in a maze of mumbo jumbo bringing on bewilderment.
Having said that, yes, it’d be enlightening and possible liberating to hear Dr. Mariano’s thoughts on this topic.
July 29, 2009 at 6:57 pm #2903chipdouglas
ParticipantFrom experience, although I haven’t used this long term, Grape Seed Extract makes me so relax, the first few times, I just couldn’t believe it. I get very mellow and smiling comes naturally.
July 15, 2009 at 3:05 pm #2504chipdouglas
ParticipantThanks, that discussion was quite helpful in clearing up a few points I’d been wondering about. I can now rest in peace, in a manner of speaking of course.