Home Forums DISCUSSION FORUMS NEUROSCIENCE Vegetative man tells doctors ‘I’m not in pain’ via MRI communication

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    In locked-in syndrome, a brainstem stroke or injury totally paralyzes a person except for the ability to move one’s eyes. One is fully conscious but can only move the eyes.

    In Total locked-in syndrome, even the eyes are paralyzed.

    There was a case in 2002, where a man had total locked in-syndrome due to ALS. He was able to communicate via changes in his EEG when he thought of answers to question.

    EEG would be a more portable solution than an FMRI machine.

    It is pretty horrible to live like that, however, for any prolonged period of time. The prospect of improvement is fairly slim.


    ya i cant even imagine how tuff life would be living like that thats pretty insane , intresting you point out EGG doing the same thing and since its more portable perhaps they can come out with a similar type of machine in the future for people in these conditions to be able to communicate with there loved ones on a daily basis but i would imagine something like that wont be created until a long time from now , one thing im confused about this article is that they say the man is in a “vegatative state” yet hes able to communicate via MRI about wether hes in pain or not so this means hes not entirely vegatative right ?


    They thought he was “vegetative” – meaning in a coma, unresponsive to stimuli, without signs of conscious brain activity – essentially a vegetable.

    But they found he was not vegetative at all since he is conscious and can respond via changes in his fMRI activity.


    I see what your saying , this is very intresting stuff i could just imagine in the future maybe they can create something for these kind of patients to use on a daily basis.



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