Home Forums DISCUSSION FORUMS ART, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, TECHNOLOGY Electromagnetic Pollution is the Fastest Growing Pollution on the Planet

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    You ever feel “brain-dead” when you spend a lot of time on the computer or on your cell phone? I do sometimes, and it’s not a very relaxing feeling. I have been thinking since I will be working on the computer with my new job next week, and will also be on it for school and my practicum hours for report writing, whether I should purchase a Crystal Catalyst Resonator and wear it around my neck?

    I have been doing some research on it and see that it is suppose to increase the brain wave functioning of a subject when neutralizing environmental electronic pollution. Has anyone tried this? I am curious to know the results if it worked for you?

    I am also wandering if this can help our genetics by it not inflicting genetic damage, which may be a diagnostic marker for cancer. If so..I wander why more people are not wearing these?


    No, have never tried this and actualy have never heard of this, but would be interested in it as well. Bump this topic


    I have been working most of the time in from of a PC, but recently im having some severe headache 🙁


    I did some research on it and see what is supposed to increase the wave function of the brain of a subject in the neutralization of environmental pollution mail.These ideas should be somehow incorporated on our daily activities so that we don’t notice and pay the extra price of a go green option, and should be applied as a transparent solution.

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