Hello Doctor Mariano.
I’ve just found this forum and I was thrilled! always liked your old meso posts, you seem to be a very knowledgeable about hormones, and a very good doctor. I’m going through a rough time right now and I was wondering if you could help me out a little bit.
I’m a healthy 28 year male from Portugal that took 1mg/day finasteride for 10 months to combat hair loss.
Before starting the treatment my baseline value was:
TT: 906 ng/dl (241 – 827)
6 weeks after stopping the treatment my levels were:
TT: 556 ng/dl (241 – 827)
FT: 9.6 pg/ml (9 – 47)
15 months after stopping the treatment my levels were:
TT: 343 ng/dl (241 – 827)
FT: 8.5 pg/ml (8.7 – 54.5)
In your opinion, can the use of finasteride alone cause hypogonadism by increasing T and peripheral aromatization to estradiol, therefore increasing the negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary ?
I’m suffering from hypogonadism symptoms that I have never experienced until my finasteride use. Your input would be priceless and extremely appreciated.
don’t mean to go high jack HAN’s post, but i guess this a good place to ask such question.
Thank you so much for reading this,
kind regards