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  • #4238

    I sometimes experience muscle twitching, especially on my non-dominant (left) side. I usually use dumbbells or cable machines when I lift and I perform one-sided movements: weak side first, followed by my stronger side. I occassionally do more reps with my left side in order to make it as strong as my right. My theory is that sometimes I overwork that side and that it remains hyperexcitable for a while. The twitching usually happens in either my bicep or sometimes my tricep.

    It’s kinda weird, watching the muscle move without my brain’s permission.:)


    I’ve had low platelet counts for several years, but I attribute that to several factors. The first was that I used to periodically donate platelets. By itself, that souldn’t have led to any problems. However, I also take niacin for my cholesterol and I perform high-intensity strength-training. Niacin has been shown to decrease platelet production. Since platelets are also involved in muscle repair, high-intensity strength-training could also deplete them. I also donate blood three to four times a year which also reduces platelet count.

    Even though my platelet count is within normal limits, albeit on the low side, I don’t bruise easily (ego doesn’t count:)) and any bleeding stops normally.

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