@MetalMX 3275 wrote:
I find I am personally carb intolerant
and only do well with predominant protein and fat food
Recently I have found out I have a parasitic
disease within my muscles and I don’t know
where else it could be but I keep having itchy skin
feeling crawling creeping sensations under my
skin and in the muscles, stomach, liver, lungs. It was actually
mimicing the peripheral neuropathy symptoms
I thought I had. Also night sweats, reduced appetite,
Fatigue, muscle swelling, feeling cold.
Dr Mariano can you give a bit more information
regarding what parasites can cause
muscle and possibly CNS infections.
It would basically explain all my symptoms
for months and blood tests always come
back about normal…
What led you to believe you have a parasitic disease??
I think you need to start looking at lyme disease and co-infections.