Hi Dr. Mariano,
While this is not today’s query to you, I just wanted you to know that I’m ordering Genova’s Adrenocortex stress profile in order to find out whether I have AF or not. I need a point of reference.
Ok, here’s my questions about Zinc’s true known roles.
1. What neurotransmitters does Zinc effect ? Dr. Eric Braverman wrote that it affects Serotonin in one of his book I have (The Edge effect). On the LEF website, I read that it can increase DA.
2. How does Zinc effect the adrenal cortex ? Does it tend to lower cortisol output ? (I seem to recall this is what it does from past studies I bumped into, but this is from the top of my head).
As per usual, you have my gratitude for the time devoted on your part to answer my questions. I find the quality and accuracy of the info you provide through your responses, to be more than excellent. I can sense how conscientious you are. Some would say I’m buttering you up, but I’m not, it’s just that I know precious a ressource time is, and I’m just being appreciative of yours and I’m making it known to you. I’ve learned a good deal from your educational postings.