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    Do any of you notice people with anxiety experience gagging and dry heaving?

    I experience this and makes day to day living very difficult. When i experience nearly ANY kind of stress im start to experience a strong urge to gag. Infact the only way to really relieve it is to dry heave my guts out…..

    Just ranting… i cant eat in restraunts anymore, cant even eat around people… cant eat before i go anywhere….


    @The450Man 1529 wrote:

    Do any of you notice people with anxiety experience gagging and dry heaving?

    I experience this and makes day to day living very difficult. When i experience nearly ANY kind of stress im start to experience a strong urge to gag. Infact the only way to really relieve it is to dry heave my guts out…..

    Just ranting… i cant eat in restraunts anymore, cant even eat around people… cant eat before i go anywhere….

    Gastrointestinal reactions – such as gagging, dry heaving, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting – are immune system-nervous system defensive behaviors. They are an attempt to expel toxic substances (including poisonous foods ore infectious bacteria) from the intestinal tract.

    However, when occurring inappropriately, what I would ask is what is triggering this immune response. Why is the immune system overreacting or is overactive? Why is the sympathetic nervous system overreacting or is overreactive?

    Anxiety indicates an excess in norepinephrine signaling – the signal for anxiety. This can lead to overstimulation of the immune system, which in turn stimulates the stress system in a large positive feedback loop.

    There are a variety of medications that are usually used for nausea, vomiting, dry heaves. I wonder what you have tried and whether they were successful.


    I am now taking remeron at 15mg and luvox at 100mg

    The remeron helps slightly, mostly from the appetite stimulation. I am still very nauseated. When i say nauseated, its not in my stomach; its in my throat.

    I have tried to bump the remeron up to 30mg but have experienced very weird side effects. Almost a drunken feeling in my legs, very hard to explain. My guess is the luvox is inhibiting the enzymes that eliminate the remeron increasing remeron concentrations.

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