Home Forums DISCUSSION FORUMS MEN’S HEALTH 9 years impotent – labs included

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    9 years impotent

    – 12 years old, torsio testis, hayfever started, dark circles under eyes
    – excessive masturbation during teens
    – test level measured after episode of ED, 792 ng/dl high
    – tried everything, maca, tribulus, tongkat, mucuna, yohimbe, nothing worked
    – then had EBV
    – stressful job, answering phones nonstop and solving problems, smoking for couple years
    – supertired, always ED

    Then i visited a doctor who did something for adrenal fatigue. Hydrocortisone was the first thing that fixed my ED, but i still had PE major.

    Before i stepped to the hydrocortisone (started with 7.5 and built up to 15) and dhea (30 mg) this was the baseline:


    Leukocytes 5.7 scale 4.0-10.0 x 10E9/l
    Erytrocytes 4.90 scale 4.6-6.0 x10E12/l
    Hemoglobin 9.4 scale 8.7-10.9 mmol/l
    Hematocryte 0.44 scale 0.42-0.54 l/l
    MCV 90 scale 87-98 fl
    MCH 1.92 scale 1.70-2.10 fmol
    MCHC 21.4 scale 19.0-22.0 mmol/l
    Trombocytes 260 scale 160-350 x10E9/l
    Neutrophile granulocytes 73.0 scale 45.0-75.0 %
    Lymfocytes 20.0 scale 17.0-43.0 %
    Monocytes 5.0 scale 3.5-7.5 %
    Eosinofile granulocytes 1.0 scale 0.3-4.6 %
    Basophile granulocytes 0.0* scale 0.3-1.2 %

    Clinical chemy
    Sedimentation 2 scale 1-10 mm/hr
    Ferritin 135 scale 20-350 ng/ml
    Glucose 7.1* 4.0-6.5 mmol/l (not sober)
    Ureum 6.1 scale 3.0-7.0 mmol/l
    Kreatinine 108 scale 70-115 um/l
    Urinacid 0.35 scale 0.20-0.45 mmol/l
    Calcium 2.52 scale 2.15-2.65 mmol/l
    Phosphate (s) 1.12 scale 0.70-1.40 mmol/l
    Alkalic phosphatase 67 scale 30-100 U/l
    Gamma GT 18 scale 0-45 U/l
    Total bilirubin 15 scale 3-20 umol/l
    Bilirubin direct 11.7* scale 0.0-4.0 umol/l
    AST (ASAT/SGOT) 23 scale 0-30 U/l
    ALT (ALAT/SGPT) 18 scale 0-30 U/l
    LDH 152 scale 60-240 U/l
    Total protein 74 scale 60-80 g/l
    Albumin 44 scale 35-50 g/l
    Cholesterol 4.80 scale 3.20-6.50 mmol/l
    HDL-cholesterol 1.77 scale 0.90-2.50 mmol/l
    Triglycerides 1.2 scale 0.3-2.2 mmol/l
    Iron binding capacity 23.9 scale 20.0-58.7 umol/l
    Iron 26.1 scale 14.0-36.0 umol/l
    Total iron binding capacity 50.0 scale 45.0-95.0 umol/l
    HbA1c 5.4 scale 4.0-6.0 %
    FT3 4.16 scale 4.00-7.85 pmol/l
    FT4 20.6 scale 10.3-24.5 pmol/l
    TSH 2.600 scale 0.40-4.00 uIU/ml
    DHEA-sulphate 8.22 scale 0.94-11.7 umol/l
    Anti TPO <10.0 scale 0-12 IU/ml
    CRP-HS <0.20 scale 0.00-1.00 mg/L

    Folic acid 4.4* scale 16.3-42.7 ug/l
    Vitamin B12 682 scale 540-2702 ug/l
    Free Carnitine 8.4 scale 7.0-17.0 mg/l
    Acyl Carnitine 0.8* scale 0.9-2.3 mg/l
    Total Carnitine 9.2 scale 7.9-19.3 mg/l
    Vitamin D 17.6* 32.8-86.8 ug/l

    Vitamins (other units)
    Folic acid 10.0* scale 37-97 nmol/l
    Vitamin B12 505 scale 400-2000 pmol/l
    Free Carnitine 52.0 scale 43.4-105.5 umol/l
    Acyl Carnitine 5.0* scale 5.6-14.3 umol/l
    Total Carnitine 57.0 scale 49.0-119.7 umol/l
    Acyl/total Carnitine 0.09* scale 0.12-0.30 –
    Vitamin D 44.0* scale 82-217 nmol/l

    IgF-1 (Somatomedine C) 32.9 scale 10.0-75.0 nmol/l
    IGFBP-3 169.0 scale 100.9-271.3 nmol/l

    Estradiol 0.05 scale 0.01-0.21 nmol/l
    Prolactin 0.168 scale 0.05-0.35 U/l
    Progesteron 0.5* scale 0.6-79.6 nmol/l

    Testosterone (serum) 13.80 scale 8-35 nmol/l
    Free testosterone (serum) 0.66 scale 0.24-1.04 nmol/l
    SHBG 21 scale 13-55 nmol/l


    Elements urine
    Sodium 3649 scale 920-5750 mg/l
    Potassium 2337 scale 1360-3130 mg/l
    Calcium 83* scale 100-320 mg/l
    Magnesium 93 scale 15-290 mg/l
    Iron 1 scale 0-800 ug/l
    Zinc 0.34 scale 0.30-1.00 mg/l
    Mercury 0.7 scale 0.0-5.0 ug/l
    Copper 6 scale <70 ug/l
    Selenium 16 scale 15-160 ug/l

    Diverse urine
    Sodium 6970 scale 1380-8625 mg/24hr
    Potassium 4464 scale 2040-4695 mg/24hr
    Calcium 159 scale 150-480 mg/24hr
    Magnesium 178 scale 23-435 mg/24hr
    Iron <5 scale 0-1200 ug/24hr
    Zinc 0.65 scale 0.50-1.50 mg/24hr
    Mercury 1.3 scale 0-7.5 ug/24hr
    Copper 11 scale <105 ug/24hr
    Selenium 30.6 scale 22.5-240 ug/24hr

    Diverse urine
    Volume 1910 scale 600-2500 ml
    T3 779* scale 800-1800 pmol/24hr
    T4 1904 scale 1800-3000 pmol/24hr
    T3 % average reference value 59.9 %
    T4 % average reference value 79.3 %
    T3/T4 ratio 0.41* scale 0.63-1.00 ratio
    DHEA 0.19 scale 0.06-3.20 mg/24hr
    17-keto steroids 7.7 scale 7.0-20.0 mg/24hr
    17-OH-steroids 3.8 scale 6.0-21.0 mg/24hr
    Aldosteron 5.9 no range given ug/24hr
    Cortisol 36.0 scale 21.0-85.0 ug/24hr


    Digestion parameters
    pH 6.0-6.8 value 5.7 not normal
    Consistency thick value thick normal
    Color brown value darkbrown/black not normal
    Starchfiber none value none normal
    Plantfiber 2-10 value 20/small plantfibers not normal
    Musclefiber none value none normal
    Fatcontent <3 gr/100 gr value 2.3 normal

    Aerobe flora
    Enterobacteriaceae 1.0*10^5 – 2.0*10^7 value 3.0*10^5 normal
    E.coli 1.0*10^5 – 2.0*10^7 value 3.0*10^5 normal
    Enterococcen 1.0*10^5 – 1.0*10^7 value 6.0*10^4 acceptable
    Lactobacils 1.0*10^4 – 1.0*10^7 value <1.0*10^3 not normal

    Yeasts and fungi
    Yeasts none value none normal
    Fungi none value none normal

    Anaerobe flora
    Bifidobacterium 1.0*10^8 – 3.0*10^8 value 6.4*10^9 not normal

    Extra analysis
    Giardia negative value negative normal
    Cryptosporidium negative value negative normal
    Occult blood negative value negative normal
    Lactoferrin negative value negative normal
    Antigliadine <100 U/l value 1 normal
    t-Transglutaminase <= 100 U/l value 7 normal
    secretoir IgA 500-2040 ugml value 2628 not normal
    M2-PK <=6 U/ml value 2.2 normal
    Calprotectine <= 50mg/kg value 33 normal
    TNF a(alpha) <20 pg/ml value negative normal

    I was taking along with this:

    20.000 iu vitamin d for couple weeks for low vitamin d then backed down to 10.000 iu
    200 mg 7-keto-dhea for adrenals
    5000 mcg b12 / folic acid lozenges dissolve under tongue
    zinc picolinate 50 mg
    200 mcg selenium

    New labs:

    total test 20 scale 8-35
    free test 1.21 scale 0.24-1.04
    shbg 17 scale 13-55
    estradiol 0.21 scale 0.01-0.21
    progesterone 1.1 scale 0.6-79.6
    igf-1 27.6 scale 10.0-75.0
    igfbp-3 168 scale 100.9-271.3
    vit d 135.5 scale 82-217
    tsh 5.5 scale 0.4-4.00
    ft3 3.61 scale 4.00-7.85
    ft4 17.2 scale 10.3-24.5
    dhea 12.9 scale 0.94-11.7
    creatinine 117 scale 70-115
    urin acid elevated scale 0.20-0.45

    During this time at a certain point i had an unaided erection which was 100% strong and had sex without viagra. Precum was almost non existant as well, which is a big problem for me, which i believe leads to my ED and PE. I must have had the perfect values at that point because i never experienced this erection again. I used zinc and dim to some success to achieve 80-90% erection, but never like that before. After those two days i had ED again which was probably 99% my high E2.

    I dropped everything except HC/DHEA. Then this:

    ft3 3.36 scale 4.00-7.85
    ft4 16.3 scale 10.3-24.5
    tsh 2.680 scale 0.400-4.000
    igf-1 30.3 scale 10.0-75.0
    igfbp3 144 scale 101-271
    estradiol 0.06 scale 0.01-0.21
    progesterone 0.8 scale 0.6-79.6
    total testosterone 12.80 scale 8.00-35.00
    free testosterone 0.88 scale 0.24-1.04
    shbg 15 scale 13-55

    Testosterone low again and estradiol normal. I added back in vitamin D at 10.000 iu. New labs:

    total t 504 (range 400-1200)
    estradiol 49 (range 12-56)

    During this time i was barely managing with zinc and dim, had PE. Vitamin d is at the top range now.

    I tried arimidex on my own but had a really bad reaction to it but these labs came out:

    total testosterone 677 range 400-1200
    estradiol 24 range 12-56

    Still have ED. Switched docs so that i could be prescribed Armour thyroid. Also wanted to start testosterone therapy to see if this would help my ED.

    New baseline labs on only HC:

    Iron 31.3 scale 14-36
    Total Iron binding capacity 53.6 scale 45-95
    Iron binding capacity 22.3 scale 20-58.7
    Fe saturation 58 scale 20-60
    Ferritin 197 scale 20-350
    Homocysteine total 8.4 scale 4.5-12.4
    Crp-hs 0.2 scale 0-1
    Coq10 0.8 scale 0.6-1.2
    Essential fatty acids omega 3
    ALA 0.14 scale 0.1-0.4
    ETA 0.02 scale 0-0.1
    EPA 0.79 scale 0.6-1.7
    DHA 6.72 scale 4-9.4
    Essential fatty acids omega 6
    LA 12.39 scale 10.6-16
    GLA 0.06 scale 0.1-0.3
    EDA 0.3 scale 0.0-0.3
    DGLA 1.91 scale 1.2-2.2
    AA 18.56 scale 14.2-19.2
    DTA 4.3 scale 1.6-4.4
    Ratio AA/EPA 23 scale <15
    Essential fatty acids omega 9
    TEA 0.05 scale 0.0-0.6
    COA 15.89 scale 14.2-19.8
    EIA 0.29 scale 0.0-0.4
    EUA 0.04 scale 0.0-0.1
    NA 0.05 scale 0.0-0.9
    Saturated fatty acids
    PA 20.9 scale 17.2-25.6
    SA 17.49 scale 15.4-20.2
    Candida IgA 19.0 scale <12.5
    Candida IgG 6.0 scale <12.5
    Candida IgM 2.1 scale <12.5
    Gliadin IgG <0.2 scale 0.0-4.5
    Gliadin IgA 1.2 scale 0.0-2.0
    Tumor markers
    Alfa-foetoprotein 4 scale 0-11
    CA-125 7.2 scale 0.0-35
    CA-19-9 10 scale 0-37
    CEA 2.2 scale 0.0-3.0
    PSA 0.46 scale 0.0-3.0
    PSA free 0.3 scale 0.0-0.42
    Transcortin 56 scale 23-83
    Igf1 29.3 scale 10-75
    Igfbp3 154 scale 101-271
    DHEA-sulphate 12.6 scale 0.94-11.7
    LH 3.6 scale 1.2-7.4
    FSH 4.1 scale 2.8-55.5
    Progesterone 1.07 scale 0.64-79.6
    Prolactin 114 scale 50-350
    Estradiol 139 scale 10-210
    Anti thyroglobulin <20 scale 0.0-34
    FT3 4.3 scale 4-7.85
    FT4 15.4 scale 10.3-24.5
    TSH 2.57 scale 0.4-4.0
    Testosterone total 15.8 scale 8-35
    SHBG 19 scale 13-55
    Testosterone free 0.44 scale 0.24-1.04
    DHT 1.13 scale 0.86-3.44
    ADIOL G 10.52 scale 2.13-50.27
    Urine 24 hour
    Mercury 0.2 scale 0.0-7.5
    Iodine 274 scale 200-2000
    Toxic chemicals
    PCBs 7 scale 0-4
    Benzene 113 scale 0-140
    Methylbenzene 89 scale 0-84
    Isopropyl-aceton 201 scale 0-194
    Pentane 153 scale 0-110
    Perchloride ethylene 63 scale 0-50
    Difluorbenzamide <0.01 scale <0.01
    CH 3-B-Napthalene <0.01 scale <0.01
    Hexane 16.4 scale 0.0-7.9
    Xylene 4.3 scale 0.0-2.9
    Endocrinology in urine 24 hour
    6-sulfatoxymelatonine 7.8 scale 1.3-16.8


    January four weeks on below protocol
    Testogel 10% 1 gram
    90 mg Armour
    20 mg Hydrocortisone

    Estradiol 76 scale 10-210
    Testosterone total 8.84 scale 8-35
    SHBG 22 scale 13-55
    Testosterone free 0.22 scale 0.24-1.04
    DHT 2.53 scale 0.86-3.44
    ADIOL G 9.8 scale 2.13-50.27

    Shutdown, balls shrunk down, no libido/ED

    new protocol: 3 grams testogel 2×250 iu hcg weekly 3 grains armour 20 mg HC

    total testosterone 40.10 range 8-35
    shbg 26 range 13-55
    free test 1.14 range 0.24-1.04
    dht 7 range 0.86-3.44
    adiol-g 34.4 range 2.13-50.27
    estradiol 203 range 10-210
    t3 1.47 range 1.3-2.7
    ft3 5.27 range 4-7.85
    ft4 18.3 range 10.3-24.5
    tsh <0.01 range 0.4-4.0

    Still ED! Doc wants to prescribe finasteride for increased dht from the gel, i decline because you can get even more impotent from finasteride. Want to switch to shots.

    I switched to Sustanon 250 shots. Doing 0.5 ml every week and 2×250 iu hcg two days before the shot. 3 x 0.25 mg arimidex.

    Just drew blood last week. Still bad ED can’t get it up. I sweat a lot from the HCG and test shots. Arimidex helps only short time. In afternoon sweating starts again and sometimes i get precum.

    This week i started monday with a shot of 62.5 mg of test with 250 iu hcg and 3 x 0.25 mg arimidex a week. Thursday will do the same again. Crazy libido now, but still ED.

    Don’t know what to think anymore. I want my natural erection back, i think a lot is high estradiol. Next options: proviron, HGH, if nothing works perhaps a restart and try some OTC estrogen eradicating to see if that helps perhaps with I3C, DIM, Resveratrol, high dose Zinc. If clomid or nolvadex works i might consider a long term low dose EOD dosing plan or something like E3D.

    Thoughts? Thanks in advance for reading!


    check your Catecholamines. If you have PE chances are your adrenaline(noephinephrine) is high and it may also be effecting your ability to get erections. I have the same problems and i also overmasterbated. Im getting my blood test results and im fairly certain my Catecholamines are gona be all high were as my inhibitory neurotransitters (serotonin GABA)are gona be low. its worth checking esspecially if your testosterone is that high.


    When sex hormone, thyroid and adrenals, are in check as j said you need to look other places. I be looking at the neurotranmistters as well as hidden factors with in the subconscious mind as possible mental road blocks that need to be cleared. With ED i be concerned with diabetes and insulin imbalances due to circulation problems.


    Dont TOUCH finasteride. I took it for 15 months and now have irreversable sexual dysfunction, depression, and on and on…

    Finasteride is a whole new set of problems.

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