Dr Mariano,
I believe I have what you would term as “supraphysiological levels” of testosterone. My blood work is nearly always at least 35.0 nmol, and has reached 39.0 before. Because my SHBG is in the fifties, I used to believe my depression and low libido were related to low free testosterone, but I have never come across ANY evidence to suggest that SHBG has much to do with it – if anything, it makes testosterone function more effectively.
I believe my high testosterone is contributing to my problems. After my last “crash” (severe episode of depression when I was off work for a month), I noticed my libido came back quite strongly for a few days. Im assuming that this was my test levels coming up and that they reached a “sweet spot”, then they got too high again and I was back to feeling low again.
Are there any safe and effective ways to lower testosterone in the body? I don’t think increasing estradiol is a good option for me – my E2 is 0.20 nmol/L (54 pg/ml??), so it’s high enough already, another sign that my testosterone is higher than my body’s setpoint.