Home Forums DISCUSSION FORUMS SIGNALS Thyroid Dosing Once vs Twice a day?

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    I am at the moment using Armour Thyroid 1 grain in the morning and 1 grain in the evening.
    Or should i just be taking my whole dosage in the morning or even evening?

    Would twice daily dosing put less stress on the adrenal glands if people have issues with their adrenals?

    I know with the synthetic thyroid hormones – Levothyroxine once a day is fine since it has a 24 hour half life, T3 you need multiple dosing times since it has a shorter half-life.

    What is the better way to dose armour thyroid once vs twice a day?

    I’d like to hear peoples experiences with dosing and if it makes any difference in their overall symptoms.


    I never noticed a big difference. But if you do take it twice a day, I dont believe you should be taking the second dose in the evening rather later morning or early aftenoon.

    I recall Dr. Crisler saying that if 2nd dose is taken too late it can suppress endogenous production.

    Sometimes 2x per day is just too difficult. Timing that second dose to make sure your stomach is empty can be a challenge when you have to do it every day of your life. I gave up on it – was too much of a pain.

    I would think getting what you take absorbed is more important than timing.

    Also, I believe the half-life of T4 is 7 days (not 1 day) and T3 is 7 hours.

    @MetalMX 1988 wrote:

    I am at the moment using Armour Thyroid 1 grain in the morning and 1 grain in the evening.
    Or should i just be taking my whole dosage in the morning or even evening?

    Would twice daily dosing put less stress on the adrenal glands if people have issues with their adrenals?

    I know with the synthetic thyroid hormones – Levothyroxine once a day is fine since it has a 24 hour half life, T3 you need multiple dosing times since it has a shorter half-life.

    What is the better way to dose armour thyroid once vs twice a day?

    I’d like to hear peoples experiences with dosing and if it makes any difference in their overall symptoms.


    Well I do 4 grains a day 2 in the morning 1 at noon and the last one at 6pm. I put them under my tongue I still have some old Armour. I hear one can’t do this on the new Armour so when I need more I am getting this.
    Erfa, the makers of the Cana*dian ver*sion of natu*ral desic*ca*ted thy*roid, simply called “Thy*roid”
    From this link and it can be done sublin*gually.

    If I take my Armour by stomach I need one grain more to keep my levels up and feel good.

    I fined doing it under my tongue works great I don’t need to worry about when I eat food are drank milk or even took Iron pills.

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