Do nocturnal/morning erections always occur when a man’s hormones are in balance (particularly testosterone/estradiol)? I’ve noticed that I have no “wood” when I’m not sleeping well. I wonder if good sleep causes “wood” or poor hormone balance causes poor sleep?
This link talls how Nocturnal Erections happen.
I find that most of my having them is about how high or low my Estradiol levels are when firs tested my Total T was 120 yet I had good NE’s every night and morning but it was after I went on TRT that the added testosterone converted into Estradiol that I lost this and ended up with some back ED problems. This went on for about 10 yrs until I read about high Estradiol levels and ED in men. When I got my Estradiol levels down the first thing to come back for me was my Nocturnal Erectrions the my ED stopped.