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    I will have the honors of being the first person to post on what will probably be one of the most informative forums out there.

    From logical reasoning if a person dhea is over converting to estrogens then replacing the dhea with 7 keto dhea would be most logical steps to avoid needed adex.

    Why I ask this question is that when my dhea serum is at the low end of the range I had no issues with estrodial at all. As I induced dhea I notice my e2 became incredible unstable even with same HRT dosages previously. Currently I am at 50 mgs dhea and getting great dhea serum numbers. Top 80% of the range, but that is at the expense of having to use adex to counter the estrogen effect from the dhea. So by replacing 50 mgs of dhea with 100 mgs BID 7 keto would this cause a drop in serum dhea and would it be something clicnally to be concerned with since I understand that 7 keto does not increase serum dhea. It took me an incredible long time to find a dhea that actually does absorb. The only concern I have is that there is no way of tracking what 7 keto is really doing. If my hormones drop it could be from either the decrease in actually dhea or 7 keto may not even be absorping. We would not have a correct method of tracking what is really working and not.


    Wouldn’t 7-keto also cause a problem with cortisol levels (or action at the cellular level) in those with adrenal insufficiency/fatigue?


    HAN, thanks for the invite. I look forward to learning and sharing my experiences.


    @VehementlyAlive 27 wrote:

    Wouldn’t 7-keto also cause a problem with cortisol levels (or action at the cellular level) in those with adrenal insufficiency/fatigue?

    Of estrogen is an issue that may be stressing the adrenals its really a double edge sword. From research I have seen dhea at resonable levels does not have affect the cortisol access. Dr wright even confirmed this.


    Interesting. So, hopefully 7-keto at reasonable levels doesn’t affect the cortisol access, either? Are there any published studies out there regarding this?

    This would be great for me to know as well since my E2 went out of control after starting DHEA therapy…


    Yes i have talked to the Dr about this and we are reconsidering a different approach to people with low dhea and high estrodial. We tend to beleive that either transdemal dhea or 7 keto is better for these people. With 7 keto it will help to alleviate the issue with down stream of estrogen metabolite build up (16/2/4 OHE) which can get elevated with dhea supplementation. Study’s have shown slight decline in testosterone but major reduction in estrodial (which would be a desirable result for some people). So it looks promising in many ways.


    Just wanted to wave hello as I’ve just made it here.

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